Now listen, my children, and you shall hear....oops, wrong historical story.
Let's begin anew.
Once upon a time, three adults (two grandparents and the mother of the fourth member of our group) and a preteen homeschooled student (the fourth member) went on the ultimate homeschool field trip to Italy and Greece. It was an amazing opportunity to experience classic ancient Rome and Greece, after we had studied about the foundations of our government and the impact on everyday life for almost 3 years.
Each tour was like a graduate seminar with amazing guides most of whom were working archeologists with advanced degrees, while a few had advanced degrees in architecture and/or art history.
During meals, long drives from site to site, and general downtime, we played a game of sorts: Creating captions and developing cartoons based on our tour experiences as well as existing and newly-acquired knowledge of the ancient sites we visited (Rome, Pompeii, Athens, Olympia, Delphi, Mincenae and Crete).
Almost a year later, while spending lots and lots of time at home during the pandemic restrictions, we revisited the many cartoon ideas we'd saved; found two fabulously talented illustrators; and watched with delight as oour ideas and concepts turned into fully-illustrated cartoons.
Given the stay safe, stay-at-home restrictions we recently experienced, a few additional concepts came to light in the form of 'Stuck at Home' cartoons, twisted reality and the origin of idioms.
Given the stay safe, stay-at-home restrictions we recently experienced, a few additional concepts came to light in the form of 'Stuck at Home' cartoons, twisted reality and the origin of idioms.
Our plans include a print and ebook of all the illustrations; some related merchandise; and sharing the laughs with samples on this website and Facebook.
Bob, Remy, Blair and Jackson
AKA: I.M. Platocrates, Author
Our plans include a print and ebook of all the illustrations; some related merchandise; and sharing the laughs with samples on this website and Facebook.
We hope you have fun, while visiting our site. In these times, we all could use a break from reality and a laugh or two.
Bob, Remy, Blair and Jackson
AKA: I.M. Platocrates, Author